Whoa Whoa Whoa, Hold up there pal, this game is far from complete.

I ended up massively underestimating essential parts of this project (okay, and F Zero 99 was a little too much fun, and I'm not really even into F Zero). While there is plenty programmed, there is very little of it that is truly functional. Outside of the first screen shot, those pictures aren't replicable in the current released build (except by cheating)

So, after reading a message from the people running the GBJam, I decided to share at least the randomized overworld (overspace?), since I think it's actually quite good looking otherwise, and talk about what it would have been if I got a bit further.

When I think of the Game Boy I will admit I think more of it's successor, the Game Boy Color, but growing up with the latter, the two libraries more or less blend in my head anyway, and I really enjoyed RPGs on it, particularly Dragon Warrior 3, along with Pokemon, Metal Walker, and a few more. But it was Dragon Warrior which is what I took as inspiration for the (unshown) character sprites and battle screen (though some of the UI is fairly Final Fantasy-esque). I was also going to make a scenario at the beginning similar to the start of the GBC version of DQIII, though that was planned as a potential update later.

As for gameplay it was supposed to be fairly roguelike, in a way more akin to Evolution: World of Sacred Devices, so the planets would have more or less been randomly generated dungeons. Monsters would be wandering about, that if you contact would go into the DQ style combat. Gas Giants (the 2x2 tile planets) would be explored on the ship, and be home to extra horrible monsters (probably dragons).

I was also going to make it so you'd pick items each round instead of a generic attack, akin to Legend of the Ghost Lion on NES. And then some items would spoil, or do interesting things if left in your inventory for long enough, such as seeds germinating if over a ceramic pot, or chocolate melting over other items (Like in Boktai if anyone else has played that). Inventory space would also be limited to 8 items per character.

As for the title... there's no particular reason for that title, I just like the second word, and had to come up with something.

Anyway have fun with the rest of the jam games (and maybe stroll in the stars for a bit).  Hopefully I'll decide to not put this project down.

Anyway controls are as follows

Movement is WASD/Arrow keys or Dpad on controller

Restart game with Space/1 or Select/- on controller

Sometimes, despite being really simple, new spaces don't generate right and will not have an entrance portal or will have the camera in the wrong place, and prevent tracking on your boat, I recommend restarting if that happens

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